Friday, January 30, 2009

Just the Beginning

Well, it has almost been a year since I started this blog. I came upon it today accidentally, having totally forgotten that it was here. I'm not exactly sure how I can find it again. Anyways, I do believe my heart was in the right spot, I just feel I must have a commitment or attention problem or something. I'll just go ahead and blame it on the kids. Perhaps during the next year I can attempt to become more focused, completing tasks at hand. Maybe even finishing a project. No matter what, I will make every attempt to remain on track during 2009.

Now, back to the blog topic. A couple of years ago, my husband made the oddest statement. He said we have been living like drunken sailors in this country (please sailors, don't take offense, it is just a phrase which fits,) way to long, and it will come to haunt us.


I sort of liked the way I was living. I can't call it responsible, but I liked getting pretty much what ever I wanted, when I wanted it. Not lavish things of course, but you know, stuff. Just stuff. Stuff everywhere. Stuff I no longer care for, but believe is my right to keep. Most of this stuff does appear to be made in China, so it may even be tainted stuff.

What am I to do? Throwing it out just seems environmentally irresponsible. Someone might need it someday. I might need it some day. Even the Goodwill will not take some of it.

I suppose the responsible thing to do would be to hold a Garage Sale. My 7th Last Garage Sale Ever was just last October. Well I think it is time. Garage sales move around peoples stuff to other people who can use it. Meaning to me, that it no longer counts as being made in China.

Now it comes from an American home. Two American profit from the sale. Something which Made in Chine merchandise can not do. We are not creating American jobs, but we are certainly keeping the cash flow local.

It is so sad that Americans (me as guilty as any) substituted a lesser amount of quality American product for excessive quantities of low quality stuff.

Remember the 90's? There were craft shows everywhere. American's making goods in their in home, and selling them to others. Most of the products were made of wood, fabric, and leather, all environmentally friendly materials. We have since fallen in love with plastics. What a shame.

Maybe we need to get back to supporting our neighbors.

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